Friday, December 31, 2010

32GB Apple iPhone 4 Review

32GB Apple iPhone 4 Review

1) The display is Awesome in this iphone 4.
2) The new 32 GB Apple iphone also has an innovative design.
3) Has some good reception on the mobile with a long lasting battery life.
4) Improved User interface which makes the phone more user friendly. US has been given more importance in this version of iphone
5) The Retina Display is simply awesome.
6) Some multi tasking features available.
7) Extremely fast browser.
8) Video recording is satisfactory.

In Japanese:

In German:
Apple iPhone 32GB 4 Überprüfung

1) Das Display ist ehrfürchtig in diesem iphone 4.
2) Das neue 32 GB Apple iPhone hat auch ein innovatives Design.
3) hat einige gute Empfang auf dem Handy mit einer langen Akkulaufzeit.
4) Die Verbesserung der Benutzeroberfläche, die das Telefonieren nochbenutzerfreundlicher macht. USA haben mehr Bedeutung in dieser Version des iPhonegegeben
5) Die Retina Display ist einfach genial.
6) Einige Multitasking-Funktionen verfügbar.
7) Extrem schnelle Browser.
8) Video-Aufzeichnung ist zufriedenstellend.

In Italian:
32GB Apple iPhone 4 Recensione

1) Il display è impressionante in questo iphone 4.
2) Il nuovo Apple iPhone 32 GB ha un design innovativo.
3) Ha qualche buona ricezione sul cellulare con una batteria a lunga durata nel tempo.
4) interfaccia utente migliorata che rende il telefono più user friendly. Stati Uniti è stata data maggiore importanza in questa versione di iphone
5) Il display retina è semplicemente impressionante.
6) Alcune funzioni multi tasking disponibili.
7) browser estremamente veloce.
8) La registrazione del video è soddisfacente.

In Korean:
32기가바이트 애플 아이폰 4 검토

1) 디스플레이가이 아이폰 4 죽인다.
2) 새로운 32기가바이트 애플 아이폰 또한 혁신적인 디자인하고 있습니다.
3) 오래 지속 배터리 수명으로 모바일 좋은 시간 리셉션 운영하고 있습니다.
전화를 좀 더 사용자 친화 만드는 4) 향상된 사용자 인터페이스. 미국 아이폰의이 버전 더 많은 중요성 부여되었습니다
5) 망막 디스플레이 간단해서 아주 좋군요.
가능 6) 몇몇 멀티 태스킹 기능.
7)는 매우 빠른 브라우저.
8) 비디오 녹화 만족입니다.

In Russian:
32GB Apple iPhone 4 Обзор

1) дисплей Awesome в этом iphone 4.
2) новый 32 ГБ Apple iphone также имеет инновационный дизайн.
3) С некоторых хороший прием на мобильные с продолжительное время автономной работы.
4) улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс, что делает телефон более удобным для пользователя. США было уделено больше внимания в этой версии iphone
5) Сетчатка дисплей просто удивительным.
6) Некоторые особенности несколькими задачами доступны.
7) Очень быстрый браузер.
8) Запись видео удовлетворительное.

iphone網膜ディスプレイ、Appleの iPhone4、 レビュー,  eiträge, 아이폰 4 리뷰

Monday, December 27, 2010

Parental Controls FOR Android Phone

Most people are afraid about their kids downloading adult stuffs in Android phone. We have come up with  a list. An android phone lacks parental controls on Web surfing. Also parents cant restrict which apps their kids can install and use on Android phones.

Ofcourse most prefer smart phones, but at the same time, it becomes the duty of the parents to teach the kids on how to use these tools properly.

Related Parental Controls in Android Phone Questions on Google

How can i put parental controls on my phone to keep my toddlers 
Web content filter to avoid pornography on Eris droid. settings 
Parental control over app purchases and view purchase history ...‎ 
Internet accountability software on Android for those that want it 

What themes this article covers?
Android and web surfing, Blocking web surfing on Android phones, Parental controls for android.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Google's Gingerbread Enters Nokia N900

Nokia Fans will surely thank the hackers behind the Google's gingerbread into Nokia N900. Nokia N900 Users can now be able to use the Google Android Gingerbread interface on their mobile phones.  Nokia runs on Linux-based Maemo Operating System.

Now the question is, will there be any upates to this hack?.  Currently its not possible to update Google's Android to the latest version.

Related Nokia N900 Google Android Gingerbread Links:

Android 2.3 Gingerbread Playing Nice on Nokia N900: Video
Android 2.3 Ported To Nokia N900 [Nokia's Portable Computer Gets Modded With ...
Gingerbread Android 2.3 enters Nokia N900 thanks to 'Innovators' 
Android 2.3 Ported To Nokia N900 [Nokia's Portable Computer Gets Modded With ...

Related Keywords:
ginger bread android, gogle's gingerbread, Android hack, Gingerbread on N900, Gingerbread on Nokia, Install Nokia on Gingerbread